Vertigo is a spinning sensation, which needs treatment. Generally, a problem in your nervous systems or in the inner ear cause this issue. Read on to know more.

Vertigo causes a spinning sensation as if the world around you is spinning. Vertigo is a symptom that defines different health conditions, not a health condition itself. People who experience these symptoms can have underlying issues in the inner ear, brain, or sensory nerve pathway. Chiropractic treatment can be helpful when you want to get relief from this health complication. Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor and treats many complications related to musculoskeletal misalignment. If you want to know more about treatment, please contact us.

Vertigo can stay for a long time or can be a temporary issue. Vertigo in pregnancy is very common. If you have inner ear disorder, you will also experience vertigo. But, treatment is always necessary. Instead of taking medicines, you can visit a chiropractor and consult with him/her for your health complications. Chiropractic adjustment can improve your nervous functions and treats the health issues that cause vertigo. Visit Nantais Family Chiropractic for treating your health. 

Chiropractic care is increasing in popularity, and you will get many choices for your health. Search for chiropractic care near me on Google, and you will get so many names. Read every doctor’s profile and learn what adjustment practices your doctor offers. Call them to know more about the treatment. Remember that your body needs an experienced name.

Symptoms of vertigo:

We have also mentioned that vertigo is a symptom, but it is also associated with other symptoms you must learn. Vertigo causes:

  1. Balance problems
  2. Lightheadedness
  3. Motion sickness
  4. Nausea or vomiting
  5. Ringing in the ear
  6. Headaches


Various conditions can cause vertigo, and they mostly associate with the central nervous systems and inner ears.


It is a condition that causes inflammation in your inner ear labyrinth. This area also contains the vestibulocochlear nerve. It sends information to the brain regarding head motion, position, and sound.

Vestibular neuritis:

It is the inflammation in your vestibular nerve. It does not affect a person’s hearing ability. 


It is a noncancerous skin growth, which is developed in the inner ear. It is a common health condition between the ages of 40 and 60 years.

If you are looking for vertigo treatment, Dr Brian Nantais will meet your health needs. He is an experienced doctor for your health, offering care that does not include medicines and surgeries. 

The other factor associated with vertigo are:

  1. Migraine headache
  2. A head injury
  3. Ear surgery
  4. Ataxia
  5. Brain stem disease

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo or BPPV is a common type of vertigo, which is caused by movements of crystals around your inner ear. A chiropractor offers you in-office treatment for your vertigo. Depending on your health complication, he/she will help you get relief from pain and other complications. Dr Brian Nantais also suggests some activities and exercises that keep your health active. 

Visit Elevation Health and find the best chiropractic care to treat your complication in a non-invasive way. Simple and gentle adjustments will provide you with great relief. Please contact us to know more. 

Vertigo causes a spinning sensation, and it is a symptom, not a condition. You can opt for chiropractic care for treating your vertigo. Read on to know more.

Vertigo is a spinning sensation. When you move your head too quickly, you can experience such symptoms. Sometimes, vertigo is not caused by underlying health conditions. Spinning in circles or medication side effects can cause vertigo. If you want to treat vertigo, you can opt for chiropractic care. It is an alternative treatment approach that treats your health complications without medicines and surgeries. You can meet Dr Brian Nantais for your chiropractic treatment. He is an experienced doctor and treats your health perfectly.

What is vertigo?

Vertigo is the feeling of being off-balanced. It is as if everything around you is moving, spinning, or swaying. The severity of the complication will vary from person to person. In some cases, vertigo cannot be noticeable. But, some people experience severe vertigo that disturbs their regular lives. 

Remember that vertigo is a symptom, not a condition. Your body is giving you a sign that something is wrong inside you through vertigo. Elderly people experience vertigo more often, but it is common to every age.

What causes vertigo?

Vertigo causes when the area that maintains your body balance gets affected. According to this theory, some common causes of vertigo are:

  1. Damage to the inner ear
  2. Damage to spinal joints
  3. Misalignment or partial dislocation of vertebra in the neck
  4. Significant brain diseases, such as stroke or tumour.

If you experience vertigo often, you can opt for chiropractic treatment. Chiropractors perform some adjustment techniques that help you improve your body balance. Search for the best chiropractor near me on Google and get the best solution for your health.

How does a chiropractor help you?

Chiropractic care proves to be a very effective solution for treating certain types of vertigo. A chiropractor will first understand the causes of vertigo and treat the underlying problems instead of masking the pain.

A chiropractor performs adjustments on the joints that have restricted motions. When your upper neck gets affected by faulty motion patterns, it also causes wrong information flow between your joints and brain. A chiropractor performs some simple adjustment techniques to correct the situation. You need an experienced chiropractor for this treatment. Visit Nantais Family Chiropractic for your health issues. 

If the problem is related to your inner ear, a chiropractor performs Epley Maneuver. The technique helps in repositioning the bony particles in your inner ear. Your doctor also can suggest a specific exercise that improves your condition. Chiropractic adjustment proves to be the best solution for treating your vertigo. 

The most common type of vertigo is BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo), caused by the movements of crystals in your inner year. Crystals help you stay sensitive to gravity. The crystals can alter the central balance that causes vertigo symptoms. Using the Epley Maneuver technique, a chiropractor repositions the crystal to maintain a proper body balance. 

Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor who will help you with the best treatment approaches. You can also visit Elevation Health for your chiropractic care. It is a well-known chiropractic clinic in Tecumseh, Essex County. Please visit us to know more. 

Vertigo causes a spinning dizziness sensation. It is a symptom, not a health condition.
